Life Events Employee Appreciation Day
Research shows that employees who feel a sense of belonging at their job are 5.3x more likely
to feel empowered to perform their best work.
Hire HTH to come onsite for a life events employee appreciation day!
Customize your day with the below events and employee recognition opportunities - complete with food and games

Cat & Dog First Aid Course
Employees love animals and treat their pets like valued members of the family. Pets provide companionship, bring joy to our lives, give us affection, and share our homes, our food, and our lives. Show employees that you care about their best companions by hosting a Cat & Dog First Aid course!
Employees will learn the basics in caring for cats and dogs through a variety of topics – from understanding and checking a pet's vital signs, preventative care for cats and dogs, to caring for the most critical emergency situations - including breathing and cardiac emergencies, wounds, bleeding, and seizures.
Car Seat Inspection Station
You can provide the opportunity for employees to have their car seats professionally checked by a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) during an interactive hands-on educational Child Restraint Inspection StationClick this text to start editing. This image and text block is great for descriptions about your business, products, or services. Double-click the image on the right to change it. You can also stack more of these blocks to describe items with imagery.

One of the most important jobs of a parent is to keep their children safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year, thousands of young children are killed or injured in car accidents. Proper understanding and use of safety seats are key in preventing injury and death, but with so many different safety seating options and modes of transportation on the market, parents may be overwhelmed.

Employee Self-Check Station
Employee health matters above all! The Employee Self-Check Station is designed to help employees identify basic health standards and learn to maximize independence with monitoring them. The station will include a 15 min orientation to the various equipment and a guide to fill out with the recommended standard ranges (English and Spanish). The station will include the following items, which will allow employees to perform self-checks:
•Blood Glucose Meter (check sugar)
•Pulse Oximeter (check oxygen stats)
•Oral Thermometer (check temperature)
•Weight Monitor (check body fat percentage and BMI)
•Scale (check weight)
•Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor (check blood pressure)
Stretch Flex Activity Station
Feeling stiff is a common employee complaint! Some people feel stiffer when they wake up in the morning or after periods of inactivity. Sometimes stiffness is due to heavy workload requirements, other times, stiffness can result from poor posture and sitting at a desk all-day. The Stretch-Flex Activity station will educate and provide employees the opportunity to learn how to work out those stiff muscles with use of foam rollers, active recovery techniques and education on natural remedies!